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Missing People / North East / Tyne and Wear
Tyne and Wear

Area Full name of person sought Grade # Message views Added Pic.
Tyne and Wear john jp mccarthy 0 (#0) 6012 26.06  hi john dont know if you no that tom has pass away on the 18 /6/2012  iam up in the nort east now y
Tyne and Wear graham D. B. baker 0 (#0) 6862 28.01 if  anyone  knows where my brother is he is now 73years old , last known he  was living at 38 walker
Tyne and Wear Lynn Dale 0 (#0) 7788 10.05 if any one knows her wherabouts please e-mail me and I will pass info onto party looking for her, Sh
Tyne and Wear keith henderson 0 (#0) 7664 06.05 if any one knows the where abouts of keith could you please ask him to contact this web site. He is

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