Missing PeopleWelcome to Missing People - the UK's new free resource helping people to get in touch with those they have lost contact with.
The use of this site and all of its services is completely free to all whether it be a personal search of a search by a commercial company or organisation. Who ever you are seeking and for whatever reason you are welcome to use our message posting service.
This site is simply seperated into geographical areas which drill down to counties. If you are looking for someone in an area but are not sure what county they are in then you can simply post a message within that area (eg. South West)
To submit a message, please login, or register for free today!
Once a message has been placed visitors can respond to it by email or via our anonymous feedback feature (this does not reveal your email address) and you can even log back in at anytime and edit or delete any of your messages, see how many people have viewed your messages or even upload a picture or two to go with your appeals