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Missing People / Eastern
John Wells (Marcus)

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Tell-a-friend John Wells (Marcus) (518)
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John has a sister who would love to see her brother, it is around 30 years since she saw him. She knew he worked in Norfolk and taught German at a school, but he had a spot of bother and she hasn't seen or heard from him since. Has he moved or even worse died. If anyone knows of his whereabouts,please make contact so the brother and sister can see each other before it is too late

General details
Posted by Margaret Cole
Email margaretcole2000@yahoo.co.uk
Surname of person sought
First name (or initial) of person sought
Relationship to person sought
Reason for seeking this person
Person was last known to be living:
Any other relevant information

Message Details
Message id 518
Message views  10341
Added 10.08

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