
Missing People / Area Unknown
Sarah Bunting

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Sarah was born in November 1957. Her maiden name was Outred.

Sarah married Andrew Rose and had two children, a boy and a girl.

The marriage disolved and Sarah later married Christopher Boyne-Bunting.

Aaron her son would dearly love to make contact.

If you know of Sarah's whereabouts, or know if she would like to be found, please contact

General details
Posted by Aaron Rose
Surname of person soughtBunting
First name (or initial) of person soughtSarah
Relationship to person soughtRelative
Reason for seeking this personreunion
Person was last known to be living:London?
Any other relevant informationSarah Bunting may be known as Sarah Boyne-Bunting. Not sure if this marriage is still relevant. Sarahs parents name was MacDonald and I believe they lived in Bexhill

Message Details
Message id 70
Message views  8163
Added 06.07

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